Happy New Year my ladies… As we turn into 2025 Colour Lab Salon is updating our service pricing. The increase will reflect our commitment to seeking the highest-quality products as well as helping us maintain the natural inflation of business. Allowing us to staying connected to industry improvements, ensuring that you continue to receive exceptional results and personalized care. Including new options for customized services, and home care product values that maintain your desired look. Featuring pocket friendly options. Your salon visits after February 1st 2025 will reflect all individual service price increases that apply. On average $10 increase per service, yet may vary. The price in case will be posted on January 31. If you have any questions or would like to discuss how this affects your next appointment, I am here via email, text or a phone call. Thank you for your continued trust and support. I can’t wait to create your next stunning look! Cheers, Nicole Let’s Connect: Nicole 203-858-6177 colourlabsalonstamford@gmail.comBusiness Hours
- Monday
- Closed
- Tuesday
- 9:30 AM - 4 PM
- Wednesday
- 9:30 AM - 5 PM
- Thursday
- 11 AM - 6 PM
- Friday
- Closed
- Saturday
- 10 AM - 3 PM
- Sunday
- Closed
Cancellation Policy
First time guests appointments are held with a credit card. Appointments may be cancelled with 24+ hours notice. If you miss your appointment, your credit card will be charged for the starting price of said service & you will have 3 weeks to redeem your same appointment. Any additional services or charges will be applied accordingly. For any existing clients who have canceled more than 2 consecutive appointments, the next booking will require prepayment to cover loss in the event that appointment is canceled. The guest will also have 3 weeks to redeem the same appointment and the cost will go towards that appointment.